Next Class Starts Fall of 2025

Dear Friend and Prospective Student,

Congratulations on exploring the exciting career of forensic document examination. This is your first step to earning hundreds of dollars per hour and making a difference in the lives of forgery victims worldwide.

The next class will start when we have 10 students enrolled and ready to proceed. We are now accepting applications and doing interviews.   If you are interested in applying, please watch the videos in this series and schedule a phone call with our team.  We want to the help you decide whether or not this is a good fit for you.  Our spaces are extremely limited because we select our students by both location, character, and potential for success.

We will work with you to help you make an intelligent well-informed decision about joining our school and or ongoing mentoring and business partnership. Schedule your first conversation now with our admissions team. 

Call us today or click the red button to book yourself on a zoom call with Bart Baggett. 

Overview of the Curriculum & Apprenticeship Programs

The Core Curriculum: The Certification Program.

6 Modules. Estimated time of completion 18-24 months.

NEW! --> The 3 Module "Certification in Forensic Handwriting Identification" is
now available in under 12 months.  Perfect for law enforcement professionals. 

Module 1: Document Examination I

This module will begin with an overview of the Document Examination Profession including the requirements of a Document Examiner, the History of Handwriting, writing systems, exemplars. Then, the student begins the basics of identifying characteristics in handwriting as well as factors affecting handwriting and finish with information on building a laboratory and the equipment used in document examination. Plus, you begin to compare questioned signatures and learn the process of detecting forgeries through experiment, exemplars, and experimentation.

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  1. ​Lessons from the Document Examiner Textbook​

  2. 13 written assignments​

  3. 12 case studies which you render an opinion

  4. Chapter quizes and two major tests

  5. ​10 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 playback) ​

  6. 3 Video Group Tutoring sessions. ​

  7. Final Exam

This module will begin with an overview of the Document Examination Profession including the requirements of a Document Examiner, the History of Handwriting, writing systems, exemplars. Then, the student begins the basics of identifying characteristics in handwriting as well as factors affecting handwriting and finish with information on building a laboratory and the equipment used in document examination. Plus, you begin to compare questioned signatures and learn the process of detecting forgeries through experiment, exemplars, and experimentation.
  • ​Lessons from the Document Examiner Textbook
  • ​13 written assignments
  • ​12 case studies which you render an opinion
  • ​Chapter quizes and two major tests
  • ​10 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 playback) 
  • ​3 Video Group Tutoring sessions. 
  • ​Final Exam

Module 2: Document Examination II

This module covers the laboratory, photography, computers, scanners, the alteration of documents and forgeries, ink, paper, typewriters, faxes, copiers and begins to discuss the legal proceedings as it relates to document examination testimony. Plus, the case studies reveal more complex problem solving techniques relating to questioned handwriting samples. You examine real "closed" client cases and render opinions.

This module covers the laboratory, photography, computers, scanners, the alteration of documents and forgeries, ink, paper, typewriters, faxes, copiers and begins to discuss the legal proceedings as it relates to document examination testimony. Plus, the case studies reveal more complex problem solving techniques relating to questioned handwriting samples. You examine real "closed" client cases and render opinions.
  • ​More lessons from the Document Examiner Textbook
  • ​14 written assignments
  • ​12 case studies which you render an opinion
  • ​Chapter quizes
  • ​10 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 playback) 
  • ​3 Video Group Tutoring 
  • ​Final exam

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  1. More lessons from the Document Examiner Textbook​

  2. 14 written assignments​

  3. 12 case studies which you render an opinion​

  4. Chapter quizes​

  5. 10 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp

  6. 3 playback) ​3 Video Group Tutoring ​

  7. Final exam

Module 3: Advanced Document Examination

This class will utilize the textbook "Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals". This class will reinforce material learned in Modules 1 and 2 and expand the student's knowledge base utilizing more complex client cases and more scientific terminology. This module will also address ethics, health issues, age, and review difficult cases and hard-to-spot forgery techniques. You will leave this class sounding like a seasoned veteran when you speak to clients.

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  1. Lessons from Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals​

  2. 25 tests ​

  3. 12 case studies which you render an opinion in the form of an "official letter of opinion" ​

  4. 12 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 playback) ​

  5. 3 Video Group Tutoring 

  6. ​Final exam

This class will utilize the textbook "Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals". This class will reinforce material learned in Modules 1 and 2 and expand the student's knowledge base utilizing more complex client cases and more scientific terminology. This module will also address ethics, health issues, age, and review difficult cases and hard-to-spot forgery techniques. You will leave this class sounding like a seasoned veteran when you speak to clients.
  • ​Lessons from Handwriting Identification: Facts and Fundamentals
  • ​25 tests 
  • ​12 case studies which you render an opinion in the form of an "official letter of opinion" 
  • ​12 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 playback) 
  • ​3 Video Group Tutoring 
  • ​Final exam

Module 4: The Professional Expert Witness - Mastering the art of court testimony and depositions

This module will prepare you to be an invaluable asset to your client as the expert witness relating to key case documents. You will learn how to prepare yourself and your attorney for depositions, voir dire, court testimony, and even effective witness stand tactics.

You will also learn about legal rulings & current laws that affect you - the document examiner. As part of "hands-on training", you will participate in a 'mock trial' which duplicates the court room scenario so you can "drill and perfect" your testifying skills. This class also includes 12 case studies which you will render opinions as well as prepare each case as if you were going to trial. Plus, you learn veteran techniques that only attorneys usually know on how to discredit an expert witness and learn the scripted response to rebut each attempted attack.

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  1. Techniques to insure you never "freeze" on the witness stand​

  2. 12 case studies which you render an opinion in the form of an "official letter of opinion" ​

  3. Create "court room displays " for each case study ​

  4. Review of actual deposition & courtroom transcripts ​

  5. 10 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 & video playback) ​

  6. Final exam and Mock Trial

This module will prepare you to be an invaluable asset to your client as the expert witness relating to key case documents. You will learn how to prepare yourself and your attorney for depositions, voir dire, court testimony, and even effective witness stand tactics. 

You will also learn about legal rulings & current laws that affect you - the document examiner. As part of "hands-on training", you will participate in a 'mock trial' which duplicates the court room scenario so you can "drill and perfect" your testifying skills. This class also includes 12 case studies which you will render opinions as well as prepare each case as if you were going to trial. Plus, you learn veteran techniques that only attorneys usually know on how to discredit an expert witness and learn the scripted response to rebut each attempted attack. 

  • ​Techniques to insure you never "freeze" on the witness stand
  • ​12 case studies which you render an opinion in the form of an "official letter of opinion" 
  • ​Create "court room displays " for each case study 
  • ​Review of actual deposition & courtroom transcripts 
  • ​10 Faculty Lectures. (Downloadable for mp3 & video playback) 
  • ​Final exam and Mock Trial

Module 5: Business and Marketing Tools for the Document Examiner

This module will cover business start up processes, business entities, and marketing ideas, sales tools, and techniques. You will be provided processes, procedures, and forms for managing your office. And, you will have access to a "gold mine" of marketing & business knowledge by the most recognized name in handwriting analysis: Bart Baggett. Bart will reveal the exact processes he uses to run his practice and turned himself into the most talked about handwriting expert in the world. He will help you draft a press release and position yourself for media coverage.

While taking this module you are taught the fundamentals of officially launching a business, a website, dealing with competition, directories, and where your advertising dollar should be spent.

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  1. ​12 case studies which you render an opinion​

  2. 6 business and marketing classes​

  3. 3 Video Group Tutoring

This module will cover business start up processes, business entities, and marketing ideas, sales tools, and techniques. You will be provided processes, procedures, and forms for managing your office. And, you will have access to a "gold mine" of marketing & business knowledge by the most recognized name in handwriting analysis: Bart Baggett. Bart will reveal the exact processes he uses to run his practice and turned himself into the most talked about handwriting expert in the world. He will help you draft a press release and position yourself for media coverage.

While taking this module you are taught the fundamentals of officially launching a business, a website, dealing with competition, directories, and where your advertising dollar should be spent.

  • ​12 case studies which you render an opinion
  • ​6 business and marketing classes
  • ​3 Video Group Tutoring

Module 6: Mock Trials, Proficiency Testing and Apprenticeship

This module is the most personal and interactive with our faculty and includes the assignment of a faculty mentor for your "active cases". It involves locating actual clients and working with clients on real cases, for which you get paid. Passing this class requires you complete and render opinions on 10 real client cases under the supervision of a mentor. Because this is the final module, this module also contains the proficiency tests which you must pass in order to graduate.

This module is the most personal and interactive with our faculty and includes the assignment of a faculty mentor for your "active cases". It involves locating actual clients and working with clients on real cases, for which you get paid. Passing this class requires you complete and render opinions on 10 real client cases under the supervision of a mentor. Because this is the final module, this module also contains the proficiency tests which you must pass in order to graduate.
  • ​Assignment of your Faculty Mentor and placement into the Apprenticeship program to start helping with live cases in your home town
  • ​Work with real paying clients which you render an opinion in the form of an "official letter of opinion." All these cases will be supervised and "approved" by your mentor
  • ​Start earning real money from real clients and experience the process from phone call to witness stand. Some US and Canadian students are invited to work side-by-side with Bart Baggett up to 4 years to get a solid foundation and build a local reputation
  • ​Work hand-in-hand with a seasoned professional, so you don't make any errors with real clients
  • ​Final Exam & Proficiency Tests.

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  1. ​Assignment of your Faculty Mentor and placement into the Apprenticeship program to start helping with live cases in your home town​

  2. Work with real paying clients which you render an opinion in the form of an "official letter of opinion." All these cases will be supervised and "approved" by your mentor​

  3. Start earning real money from real clients and experience the process from phone call to witness stand. Some US and Canadian students are invited to work side-by-side with Bart Baggett up to 4 years to get a solid foundation and build a local reputation​

  4. Work hand-in-hand with a seasoned professional, so you don't make any errors with real clients​

  5. Final Exam & Proficiency Tests.

Optional Curriculum for US and Canadian Students:

The Career Track Partnership Program

You work directly with Bart Baggett

The Career Track Partnership Program

This program is a professional's program designed to fast track your document examination education into a full-time business. This additional program is not required for law enforcement professional who already are employed in a state or city police department.  

Only selected students will be accepted into this program where you work in partnership for 3 years directly with Bart Baggett and literally being on "his team." Upon completion of the training and business partnership, your business will be thriving, your website ranked atop the search engines, and you will have repeat customers. Naturally, you can continue to work with our team or go off on your own. You pay no franchise fees or commissions once the program is complete. It's 100% your business.

If you are accepted, you will end up with a fully monetized and strategic flow of leads and referrals before you go out on your own. Most student pay for the entire mentor program out of the profit sharing model during the three years.  So, instead of working for free for someone to mentor you, you get paid along the way.

What Does The Partnership Program Do For Me In Addition To The Training?

  • ​We advertise for you. More leads = more customers.

  •  We handle all accounting and payments issues.

  •  You get to work real cases side-by-side with Bart Baggett and other Faculty Members.

  •  You get extended mentoring and case support.

  •  We build out a website and Google Adwords campaign all done-for-you.

  •  You earn money each month from real clients and continue to serve those clients for years to come. This is a revenue sharing plan. We all succeed together. 

We look forward to speaking with you!

Telephone 1-214-614-8114
or 310-779-7224

Copyright The International School of Forensic Document Examination | All Rights Reserved | 2025